• Sanjay Kumar Singh Lecturer, Department Rasa Shastra & Bhaishjya Kalpana, Mai Bhago Ayurvedic Medical College for Women, Muktsar, Punjab, India.
  • Amar Singh Rathor Professor (former) Department of Rasa Shastra, Rajiv Gandhi Government Post Graduate Ayurvedic College, Paprola- Baijnath, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India.
  • P K Prajapati Professor and HOD, Department of Rasa Shastra IPGT & RA, Jamnagar, India.
Keywords: Rasa sindura, Parada, Gandhak, Kajjali, Jarana, Murchana, Baluka yantra, Kupiyantra.


Introduction: Preparation of herbo-mineral compounds in Ayurveda revolves around mercury, considered as the prime among all minerals. Sulphur is again an important element used in many disorders and applied substance in different Ayurvedic formulations, considered as the antidote for the harmful mercurials. Kajjali is prepared by grinding mercury and sulphur. The prepared Kajjali used as a raw material for Rasasindura preparation with Kupipakva method. Kupipakva method is developed by ancient Rasaacharya for the preparation of heat treated mercurial. Dviguna gandhak jarita parada is considered more potent compare to Samaguna bali jarita.

Objective: To study Kupipakva kalpana with preparation of Dviguna-bali jarita Rasa sindura.

Methodology: Whole process is divided and performed as Sodhana of contents (Hingula and gandhaka), Hingulotth parada extraction, Kajjali preparation, preparation of Dviguna balijarita Rasa sindura.

Observation: Hingula after Shodhana became soft and lusterless compound and Gandhaka becomes granular and brittle. Hinguloth parada extraction by Kanduka yantra method shown more yield compared to other methods. Kajjali preparation took 96 hours of Mardana of contents with Nischandra property. It took 48 hours for Dviguna Bali Jarita Rasasindura preparation by Kupipakva kalpana method with a yield of 106g.

Conclusion: Preparation of Dviguna Balijarita Rasasindura needs more duration of heat treatment in every step of graded heating pattern of Kupipakva kalpana. The heating pattern is proportional to its therapeutic efficacy.

How to Cite
Kumar Singh, S., Singh Rathor, A., & Prajapati, P. K. (2015). STANDARD MANUFACTURING PROCESS OF DVIGUNA BALIJARITA RASASINDURA. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research, 3(2). Retrieved from