Commentators View on Medicinal Plants of Sushrutokta Salsaradi Gana Regarding their Controversial Botanical Identity: A Review
Sushruta Samhita is one of the foundational literature included in the Brihat traiye literatures of Ayurveda. Out of 37 different Ganas mentioned in Sutra Sthana of Sushruta Samhita, Dravya-sangrahaniya-adhyaya; Salsaradi-gana is one of them in which 23 medicinal plants have been described. Classically Salsaradi-gana is clinically indicated for Kushta (skin diseases), Prameha (diabetes mellitus), Pandu (anemia), and Kapha-medo-vishoshana (anti-hyperlipidaemic) disease. For this study, a review of the original commentary of Acharya Dalhana and Acharya haranchandra on Sushruta Samhita and the scientific research papers published on the medicinal plants listed in the Salsaradi-gana of Sushruta Samhita in indexed journals is done. Out of 23 medicinal plants mentioned 8 plants have controversial identification. The controversy in the identification of these medicinal plants is seen directly affecting the pharmacological action and clinical efficacy. Those 8 plants’ controversial identity is cleared with the establishment of a genuine plant for each of the plants through scientific and classical justification.

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