International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research <div align="justify"> <p class="para1"><strong>International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research (IJAPR)</strong>&nbsp;is an international peer reviewed Monthly open access Online and Print journal. The aim of the journal is to increase the impact of research in both academic and industry, with strong emphasis on quality and originality. The journal promotes to publish the articles in the field of&nbsp;<strong>Ayurveda, Siddha, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Homeopathy and Allopathy</strong>&nbsp;systems of medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Researchers may submit (1). Original Research Articles (2). Review articles (3). Book Reviews (4). Short Communications/ Research Letter (5). Case Report (6). Letter to the Editor/Correspondence.</p> </div> en-US (Dr B Srinivasulu M.D (Ayu.)) (V Sowmya) Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800 OJS 60 Management of Kaphaja Shirshoola with special reference to Reflex Headache <p><em>Kaphaja Shirashoola</em>, is a condition characterized by Headache in evening time accompanied by nasal blockages are symptoms commonly associated with vitiation of <em>Kapha dosha</em> is known as <em>Kaphaja Shirashoola</em> in Ayurveda. Acharya Madhavakara given the brief knowledge about the <em>Nidana</em> of <em>Kaphaja Shirashoola</em> in modern perspective it is compared to reflex headache. According to Ayurveda symptoms of <em>Kaphaja Shirashoola</em> are heaviness of head and dull pain and nasal congestion with headache, which tends to worsen during the <em>Kapha kala</em> particularly in the late afternoon and in evening. Reflex headache often arises from disturbance in other bodily systems leading to referred pain in the cranial region. In this case According to the classics <em>Nasya</em> with <em>Anutaila</em> and <em>Shamanayoga</em> along with proper <em>Pathya Ahara</em> and <em>Vihara</em>. All the symptoms were relieved and subject feel lightness of the body.</p> Manikanth M H, Santosh. N. Belavadi Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Role of Garbhini Paricharya in Prevention of Adverse Birth Outcomes <p><em>Garbhini Paricharya</em>, or the care of a pregnant woman, is a vital aspect of Ayurvedic medicine that emphasizes the importance of holistic health during pregnancy. This traditional practice outlines guidelines for maternal care to ensure both the mother's and the child's well-being. The principles of <em>Garbhini Paricharya</em> highlight the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and emotional health, advocating for a nurturing environment during one of life’s most transformative periods. Adverse birth outcomes refer to negative results of pregnancy and childbirth, which can include preterm birth, low birth weight, stillbirth, and neonatal complications. Thus, the current review is based on the role of <em>Garbhini Paricharya</em> in the prevention of adverse birth outcomes.</p> Nayana B Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Ropana Taila and its Modification into the Ointment <p>One of the most widely used Ayurvedic dosage forms is <em>Sneha</em> <em>Kalpana</em>. An Oleaginous Medication is prepared through a pharmaceutical process, includes heating of materials (<em>Drava</em> <em>Dravyas</em>, <em>Kwatha,</em> <em>Kalka)</em> in a prescribed pattern for a preordain duration. This process ensures the extraction of chemical constituents into an oil or fat base. <em>Acharya</em> <em>Sushruta</em> mentioned <em>Ropana</em> <em>Taila</em> in <em>Sutrasthana</em> Ch36/25, which has wound healing activity. It contains <em>Haridra</em>, <em>Agaru, Daruharidra</em>, <em>Devdaru</em>, <em>Priyangu</em>, <em>Agaru</em>, <em>Lodhra</em>, <em>Tagara,</em> and <em>Tila</em> <em>Taila</em>. <strong>Aim: </strong>The aim of the study was to standardize the pharmaceutical process, perform possible analytical parameters and its modification into ointment with suitable excipients. <strong>Methods:</strong> The general method of preparation of <em>Taila</em> <em>Paka </em>according to the classical text has followed for the preparation of <em>Ropana</em> <em>Taila</em>. An attempt has made to develop suitable dosage foam, an ointment from <em>Ropana</em> <em>Taila</em>. The preliminary analysis of raw materials and Ropana <em>Taila</em> has carried out with reference to the API standards. Possible evaluation parameters of the ointment have studied. <strong>Result</strong>: Physico-chemical parameters for <em>Ropana</em> <em>Taila</em> included specific gravity, which founded 0.9128, refractive index 1.471, viscosity 37.85, iodine value 110; acid value 4.1, and saponification value 182.33 has noted. HPTLC showed variable numbers of spots when visualized at 254nm, 366nm, and 510nm wavelengths. pH, spreadability, extrudability of ointment founded 6.5, 78mm, good respectively. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>The ratio adopted for the preparation of <em>Ropana</em> <em>Taila</em> ointment has found suitable as the ointment fulfilled the evaluation parameters for the quality of the ideal ointment.</p> Kruti Malani, Kunal M. Gohil Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Ayurveda in the Management of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis <p>Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the most common motor neuron disease and it is characterized by selective death of upper and lower motor neurons causing muscle atrophy, weakness and spasticity. As it is a fatal neurodegenerative disease, we can slow down the progression of symptoms through treatment. The present report deals with a case of ALS which can be correlated to <em>Kapha avrutha vyana vata</em>. Current paper is a case report of 47 year old female patient presented with the complaints of weakness and wasting of bilateral lower limb (Rt&gt;Lt) since 20 years and weakness of bilateral upper limb (Rt&gt;Lt) since 10 years and was diagnosed with progressive ALS. Aim of the study is to introduce an alternative therapeutic modality through Ayurveda which help to improve quality of life and delay the progress of disease. Patient had been treated with specific <em>Panchakarma</em> treatment modalities - <em>Udwarthana, Acchasnehapana, Kukkudanda pinda sweda, Kayaseka, Mamsa pinda sweda, Musthadi Rajayapana vasti </em>and specific <em>Samana</em> and <em>Rasayana</em> <em>oushadis</em>. The response of the patient’s condition to the treatment was assessed by ALSFRS -R Score. A substantial decrease in the intensity of symptoms was observed with a better quality of day to day activities. Thus, the treatment was found to be effective in managing the present ailment.</p> Unaisa N, Manju P S, Ambili Krishna Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Standardization of Siddha Herbal Formulation - Vaasathi Kashayam According to PLIM Guidelines <p>Despite the fact that the global market for herbal and traditional medicines has surged, the rise in demand has brought about a threat for adulteration/substitution of raw drugs, clamoring consumers' faith into skepticism with the ensuing implications. To evaluate and avoid substandard herbal medicine manufacture, the Indian government has taken stringent measures, notably the establishment of PLIM (Pharmacopeial Laboratory of Indian Medicine - Protocol for testing AYUSH pharmaceuticals). The purpose of this research is the standardization of Siddha herbal decoction formulation <em>'Vaasathi kashyam'</em> encompassing the leaves of <em>Justicia adhatoda</em>.L (Acanthaceae) and dry fruits of <em>Vitis vinifera</em>.L (Vitaceae) procured from the classic Siddha text <em>'Agathiyar 2000'</em> specifically indicated for systemic hypertension (<em>Raththa kothippu noi</em>). The physicochemical parameters, phytochemical analysis, and powder microscopy of <em>Vaasathi kashayam</em> revealed an acidic pH and demonstrated the presence of phytochemicals such as tannins, phenols, terpenoids, alkaloids, flavonoids, and carbohydrates. HPTLC fingerprinting illustrates phytochemical spikes. Furthermore, the number of heavy metals, pesticide residues (organochlorine, organophosphorus and pyrethroids) and aflatoxins in VK was trace (BQL) or nonexistent, indicating its safety for therapeutic use. The total aerobic bacterial count and yeast/mold growth reported no growth/colonies, implying that the sample is free of aerobic microorganisms. Standardization of VK entailed authenticating along with evaluating the safety and quality of the prepared VK sample. These standardized characteristics could be deployed as a reference standard to guide subsequent VK qc evaluations.</p> Preyadarsheni K, Komalavalli T Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Kaseesa Shodhana with Different Methods <p><em>Kaseesa</em> is classified under two groups - <em>Uparasa</em> and <em>Upadhatu</em>. It is a mineral drug used in therapeutics. Hence <em>Shodhana </em>should be done before further use in as therapeutics or for preparation of <em>Bhasama. </em>The objective of this article is to compare pharmaceutical and Analytical aspects of <em>Ashuddha Kaseesa </em>and <em>Shuddha Kaseesa </em>(<em>Sodhana </em>with different methods). <strong>Material and Methods:</strong> Present study aimed to compare different <em>Shodhana</em> methods of <em>Kaseesa</em> which is by <em>Bhavana</em> in <em>Bhringaraja</em> <em>Swarasa</em>, <em>Swedana</em> in <em>Bhringaraja</em> <em>Swarasa</em>, <em>Bhavana</em> in <em>Nimbu</em> <em>Swarasa</em> and <em>Bhavana</em> in Citric acid solution rather than <em>Nimbu</em> <em>Swarasa</em>. The preliminary physico-chemical analysis was performed simultaneously for the <em>Ashuddha</em> and different samples of <em>Shuddha</em> <em>Kaseesa</em> (<em>Shodhana</em> by different methods). The total Iron contain and total inorganic contain were carried out by EW-XRF Spectroscopy technique. <strong>Results: </strong>After <em>Shodhana</em> with different methods average yield of <em>Shuddha</em> <em>Kaseesa</em> was 99.72%, 108.33%, 96% and 84% method A, B, C and D simultaneously. Total iron concentration of AK was 26.28. Significant physical changes have been observed after <em>Shodhana</em>. Which reflects in BBK, SBK, MNK and MCK has 23.52, 21.96, 26.6 and 41.46 percentage of total iron contain. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Pharmceutico-analytical study revealed that there were major physical and chemical changes occurs after <em>Shodhana</em> in <em>Kaseesa</em>. Each method and liquid media led to major physical and chemical changes in <em>Kaseesa</em>. Which also reflects in total iron contain of <em>Shuddha</em> <em>Kaseesa</em> as compare to <em>Ashuddha</em>.</p> Bhanderi Radhika, Gohil Kunal M, Kantariya Bhumi Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800 A Review of Vasa (Adhatoda Vasica): Therapeutic Benefits and Formulations in Ayurveda <p>In today’s world, numerous old and emerging diseases lack adequate management approaches. Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine, provides fundamental principles for diagnosing, preventing, and treating diseases. The objective of this study was to gather, analyze, and present information on the therapeutic properties and formulations of <em>Vasa</em>. A comprehensive review of classical Ayurvedic texts including <em>Samhitas, Nighantus, </em>and other relevant literature was conducted. Information on the synonyms, properties, actions, and formulations of <em>Vasa </em>was systematically organized. The review highlights therapeutic applications, dosage forms, and modes of administration as per different classical texts.<em> Vasa (Adhatoda vasica)</em> is a highly valued Ayurvedic herb, known for its therapeutic benefits, particularly in the treatment of respiratory disorders. It has been extensively referenced in classical texts for its therapeutic actions such as <em>Kasahara, Shwashara, Shothahara, Hridya, Raktastambhan </em>and<em> Jwaraghna karma.</em> Over 203 internal formulations and 38 external formulations featuring <em>Vasa</em> are documented across classical texts. These formulations help to manage various diseases like <em>Kasa, Shwasa, Kushtha, Vatrakta </em>and<em> Raktapitta. </em>In conclusion, <em>Vasa</em> is a critical Ayurvedic herb with broad applications, especially for respiratory ailments. Classical Ayurvedic texts provide extensive formulations for both internal and external uses, validated by modern pharmacological research particularly for coughs, asthma, fevers, and infections. While modern research has confirmed many of <em>Vasa's</em> pharmacological activities outlined in Ayurveda, further scientific investigation is needed to fully validate its other therapeutic effects.</p> Sabahat Anjum, Shalini Varshney Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Panoramic Study on the Concept of Varna and Charakokta Varnya Mahakashaya <p>In today's society, beauty is a focal point of interest, with individuals often associating their physical appearance with self-esteem. Ayurveda being the ancient treatise has dealt regarding <em>Tvacha</em> and <em>Varna </em>as one of the important factors formed during intra-uterine life. <em>Dravyas</em> which help in promoting as well as restoring <em>Varna</em> or normal skin colour is termed as <em>Varnya.</em> <em>Acharyas</em> have dedicated separate <em>Varga</em> containing <em>Dravyas </em>that aids in<em> Varnya</em> action. Methods: <em>Acharya Charaka</em> in <em>Sutrasthana</em> 4<sup>th</sup> Chapter has resoluted <em>Mahakashaya Varga </em>among which <em>Varnya Mahakashaya</em> -Drugs which helps in restoring the <em>Varna</em> are mentioned. These <em>Dravyas </em>can be used for external application in the form of <em>Lepa</em> or can be taken internally in the form of <em>Kashaya, Churna</em> etc. Results: <em>Dravyas</em> present in <em>Varnya Mahakashaya</em> are predominant in <em>Tikta </em>and <em>Madhura Rasa, Sheeta Virya. </em>Flavonoides and triterpenoids present in these drugs possess anti-oxidant and anti-tyrosinase action that helps in inhibition of tyrosinase enzyme thereby controlling the release of melanin pigment. Depending upon the skin condition, <em>Dravyas</em> can be chosen wisely.</p> Bhavana H N, Mahesh C D, Pradeep Seema Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Association between Dehaprakriti and Blood Group: An Observational Study <p>In Ayurveda, <em>Prakriti </em>represents an individual's inherent constitution, which remains stable throughout life. Similarly, blood groups are genetically inherited and do not change. Both <em>Prakriti </em>and blood group are innate and unchanging attributes, suggesting a potential relationship between the two. <strong>Objective: </strong>To investigate the correlation between <em>Dehaprakriti </em>and blood group among individuals, hypothesizing that a noteworthy association may exist between these two fixed traits. <strong>Methods: </strong>An observational study was conducted with a sample of 500 individuals. The assessment included both subjective and objective measures. <strong>Subjective Assessment:</strong> Each participant's <em>Prakriti </em>was determined using a self-assessment questionnaire developed by Kishore Pattawardhan and Sharma. <strong>Objective Assessment:</strong> Each participant’s blood group was recorded following <em>Prakriti </em>determination. The data were then subjected to statistical analysis using chi- square tests to examine correlations between <em>Prakriti </em>types and blood groups. <strong>Results: </strong>The chi-square analysis revealed a significant association between <em>Dehaprakriti </em>and blood group, with a p-value of less than 0.05. However, no single <em>Prakriti </em>type was found to correspond exclusively with a specific blood group, as most blood groups appeared across multiple <em>Prakriti </em>types. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>Although a significant correlation exists between <em>Dehaprakriti </em>and blood group, the study concludes that blood groups cannot be used as definitive markers for categorizing dominant <em>Prakriti</em>. Further studies with larger samples and diverse populations are recommended to explore this relationship in greater detail.</p> Utkalini Nayak, Subash Sahu, P.K.Panda Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Molecular Docking Study of Boheco Desire (An Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine) <p>BOHECO DESIRE is an Ayurvedic proprietary medicine formulated in capsule form, recommended for enhancing sexual health, libido, stamina, and energy. <strong>Objectives: </strong>This study aims to explore the molecular binding interactions of the major phytocompounds present in BOHECO DESIRE with a target protein and also to understand binding affinity and bioavailability, using advanced computational tools.<strong> Methodology: </strong>Molecular docking studies were performed using ChemDraw 20.1.1. Glide extra precision (XP) scoring tools were employed to calculate the docking scores. The binding energy of the receptor-phytoconstituent complexes was calculated using the Molecular Mechanics-Generalized Born Surface Area (MM-GBSA) method. Additionally, the QikProp module from Schrödinger was used to predict the ADME (Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion) and physicochemical properties of the phytoconstituents.<strong> Results: </strong>Docking scores for L-DOPA, Cannabidiol, and Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol suggest strong binding affinity with the target protein 1XOJ, with scores ranging from -9.4 to -4.1 kcal/mol. The van der Waals energy (Glide evdw) between -42.5 and -24.11 kcal/mol indicates favorable ligand-protein interactions. Glide energy, which includes van der Waals, electrostatic, and solvation energies, ranged from -45.07 to -26.53 kcal/mol, reinforcing the potential for stable complexes. Binding free energy values (-76.6 to -35.73 kcal/mol) suggest energetically favorable interactions. ADME predictions showed high oral absorption for Withanolide A, Delta-9 THC, and Cannabidiol, with the highest Caco-2 permeability for Delta-9 THC.<strong> Conclusion: </strong>The phytoconstituents demonstrated a strong binding affinity with 1XOJ with favorable ADME profiles. This indicates that BOHECO DESIRE's phytocompounds may have beneficial effects in sexual health.</p> Pankaj Kumar, Neeraj Kumar Patel, Harshad Jain, Jahan Peston Jamas Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Indigenous foods of Tamil Nadu-A narrative review of its nutritive value and Mineral Bioavailability <p>The Siddha system is one of the oldest traditional and holistic systems practiced in the southern part of India. “Food itself is Medicine and Medicine itself is Food” same indicates the Tamil quote <em>“Unavae Marunthu, Marunthae Unavu”</em> indigenous food is which is traditionally transferred from one generation to the next generation hence these food products are known as traditional foods. Indigenous food system helps to improve the quality of life. We conducted a literature search in scientific databases: PubMed and Google Scholar, also relevant Siddha literature from Dr. Ambedkar Library, Chennai. To identify studies reporting nutritive values and/or anti-nutrient content of IFs (not included in the Indian food composition database), consumed by peoples of Tamil Nadu. Data were selected and gathered from a total of 10 kinds of literature and 55 research papers. Some indigenous food displayed high levels of nutrients and minerals. Hence, efforts are desirable to encourage the inclusion of these nutritionally superior traditional foods into the usual diets. Indigenous food preparations are rich in nutraceutical compound which aids in better well-being and improve immunity. So, it is important to record indigenous foods in order to safeguard and maintain our traditional knowledge.</p> Lakshmanakumar.V, Arthi.G, Rathinam.J Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Health Determinants in Ayurveda: A Comprehensive Review of Concepts and Practices <p>Ayurvedic philosophies are the concepts of <em>"Swasthavritta,"</em> which encompass key determinants of health- diet, lifestyle, sleep, and mental well-being that maintain balance and prevent disease. In Ayurveda, health is defined as the harmonious integration of these factors, rather than simply the absence of illness. This review explores the foundational principles of Ayurvedic health determinants, examining their theoretical basis, clinical applications, and their potential contribution to modern healthcare systems. By addressing factors such as individual constitution (<em>Prakriti</em>), digestion (<em>Agni</em>), and emotional well-being, Ayurveda provides a personalized framework for preventing and managing chronic diseases. Incorporating Ayurvedic practices, including diet regulation, lifestyle modifications, and stress management, into contemporary medical paradigms could offer a more integrative and preventative approach to health. This paper highlights the potential of Ayurveda to complement modern healthcare practices by promoting patient-centered, holistic care that focuses on long-term wellness and disease prevention.</p> Pradeepkumar Tiwari, Santosh T. Kadam Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Critical Review of Shadang Paneeya: An Ayurvedic Herbal Formulation with Potential Immunomodulatory and Therapeutic Benefits <p>Ayurveda, a time-honored system of medicine, is known for its holistic approach, incorporating dietary and medicinal practices to treat various ailments. Among its many formulations, <em>Shadang Paneeya</em> stands out for its therapeutic potential in managing fever, excessive thirst, and related symptoms. Described in classical texts like the <em>Charaka Samhita</em>, this preparation consists of six herbs with unique pharmacological properties that have been explored for immune modulation, detoxification, and managing febrile conditions.<strong> Objective: </strong>This review critically evaluates the components and therapeutic significance of <em>Shadang Paneeya</em>, focusing on its relevance in contemporary medicine, particularly its immune-modulatory and therapeutic properties.<strong> Methodology: </strong>A comprehensive review of classical Ayurvedic texts and modern literature on the immunomodulatory, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory effects of the ingredients in <em>Shadang Paneeya</em>- including <em>Musta</em> (Cyperus rotundus), <em>Parpatak</em> (Fumaria parviflora), <em>Usheera</em> (Vetiveria zizanoides), <em>Chandana</em> (Santalum album), <em>Uddichya</em> (Pavonia odorata), and <em>Nagar</em> (Zingiber officinale)- was conducted.<strong> Discussion &amp; Conclusion: </strong>The synergistic effects of these six ingredients support <em>Shadang Paneeya</em>'s role in treating fever, dehydration, and inflammation. However, more clinical studies are needed to confirm its safety and efficacy, establishing it as a valuable adjunct in modern healthcare, particularly for viral infections.</p> Santosh Kadam, Pradeepkumar Tiwari Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800